::p_load(tidyverse, readtext, corporaexplorer, quanteda, stringi, rvest, tidytext, textnets) pacman
<- readr::read_lines("http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/10/pg10.txt") bible
# coll in to string
<- paste(bible, collapse = "\n") bible
# Identifying the beginning and end of the Bible / stripping PJ metadata
# (technique borrowed from https://quanteda.io/articles/pkgdown/replication/digital-humanities.html).
<- stri_locate_first_fixed(bible, "The First Book of Moses: Called Genesis")[1]
start_v <- stri_locate_last_fixed(bible, "Amen.")[2]
end_v <- stri_sub(bible, start_v, end_v) bible
# In the file, every book in the bible is preceded by five newlines,
# which we use to split our string into a vector where each element is a book.
<- stri_split_regex(bible, "\n{5}") %>%
books %>%
unlist -40] # Removing the heading "The New Testament of the King James Bible",
.[# which also was preceded by five newlines.
# Because of the structure of the text in the file:
# Replacing double or more newlines with two newlines, and a single newline with space.
<- str_replace_all(books, "\n{2,}", "NEW_PARAGRAPH") %>%
books str_replace_all("\n", " ") %>%
str_replace_all("NEW_PARAGRAPH", "\n\n")
<- books[3:68] # The two first elements are not books books
# Identifying new chapters within each book and split the text into chapters.
# (The first characters in chapter 2 will e.g. be 2:1)
<- str_replace_all(books, "(\\d+:1 )", "NEW_CHAPTER\\1") %>%
chapters stri_split_regex("NEW_CHAPTER")
# Removing the chapter headings from the text (we want them as metadata).
<- lapply(chapters, function(x) x[-1]) chapters
# We are not quite happy with the long book titles in the King James Bible,
# so we retrieve shorter versions from esv.org which will take up less
# space in the corpus map plot.
<- read_html("https://www.esv.org/resources/esv-global-study-bible/list-of-abbreviations") %>%
book_titles html_nodes("td:nth-child(1)") %>%
html_text() %>%
13:78] # Removing irrelevant elements after manual inspection.
# We add a column indicating whether a book belongs to the Old or New Testament,
# knowing that they contain respectively 39 and 27 books.
<- c(rep("Old", 39), rep("New", 27)) testament
# Data frame with one book as one row.
<- tibble::tibble(Text = chapters,
bible_df Book = book_titles,
Testament = testament)
# We want each chapter to be one row, but keep the metadata (book and which testament).
<- tidyr::unnest(bible_df, Text) bible_df
# As this is a corpus which is not organised by date,
# we set `date_based_corpus` to `FALSE`.
# Because we want to organise our exploration around the books in the Bible,
# we pass `"Book"` to the `grouping_variable` argument.
# We specify which metadata columns we want to be displayed in the
# "Document information" tab, using the `columns_doc_info` argument.
<- prepare_data(dataset = bible_df,
KJB date_based_corpus = FALSE,
grouping_variable = "Book",
columns_doc_info = c("Testament", "Book"))
[1] "corporaexplorerobject"
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